The annual charge of credit card is a charge that you pay the credit card organization for giving you the honor to utilize their card. This expense is worth if we gets multiple benefits with the card. but there are few credit cards in the market which are lifetime free and you don’t even need to pay their joining fees as well.
Not these cards are lifetime free, but you get amazing benefits with this cards as well. So, today I’m going to tell you about axis bank lifetime free credit card and multiple benefits which comes with this card.
Benefits & Features
Buy One Get One Free on Movie Tickets Bookes Via PayTM.
- With your Axis My Zone Credit Card, you’ll get 100% discount on the second movie ticket booked at Paytm Movies.
- The maximum discount in a calendar month per customer is Rs. 200. Use coupon code “AXIS200” to avail the discount.
- No reward points are earned on movie transaction.
Free SonyLiv 1 Year Membership
- With this card, you will get free SonyLiv Premium yearly membership worth Rs. 999 on your first spend within the initial 30 days of card issuance. The qualified clients will get the voucher code by means of SMS on their registered mobile numbers.
Flat Rs. 600 off at Ajio
- You will get a flat Rs. 600 discount at AJio on a minimum spend of Rs. 2,000.
- Use coupon code “AXISMYZONE” to avail the discount.
- Also, this offer is applicable on selected styles only.
Edge Reward Points
- With your Axis Bank My Zone Credit Card, you are entitled to earn EDGE reward points on every purchase you make as per the below details:
- 4 EDGE reward points on every Rs. 200 spent via this credit card
- Note: No reward points will be credited for movie, fuel and EMI transactions. The EDGE reward points can be redeemed against a variety of items, including vouchers, mobile accessories, home decor, computer accessories, etc. Check the EDGE Rewards Catalogue for options to redeem points.
Complimentary airport lounge access
- You’ll get 1 complimentary access to select airport lounges within India per calender quarter with Axis Bank Myzone Credit card
Fuel up and get waiver on fuel surcharge
- You’ll get 1% fuel surcharges waiver on all fuel transaction in India with Axis Bank Myzone Credit card
Convert purchases into EMI
- You can convert your purchases into EMI on any transaction over Rs.2,500.
- Contact the bank to convert the big credit card purchases into EMIs
Fees & Charges
- Joining Fee : Lifetime Free (Limited Period Offer)
- Annual Fee : Lifetime Free (Limited Period Offer)
Over limit penalty or late payment fee
- Nil if Total Payment Due is less than Rs. 500
- Rs. 500 if total payment due is between Rs. 501 – Rs. 5,000
- Rs. 750 if total payment due is between Rs. 5,001 – Rs. 10,000
- Rs. 1200 if total payment due is greater than Rs.10,000
Eligibility Criteria
- Primary cardholder should be between 18 to 70 years of age
- Add-on cardholder should be above 15 years of age
- Applicant should be a Resident of India or Non-Resident Indian
- These criteria are only indicative and the bank reserves the right to approve or decline applications for credit cards.
How To Apply for Axis Bank Lifetime Free Credit Card Online ?
- Step 1: Click the link given below.
- Step 2: Fill all the required details.
- Step 3: From the menu, select Explore Products > Cards > Credit Cards > Explore All.
- Step 4: You will see a list of options. Choose the Axis Bank Myzone Credit Card. Click ‘Apply Now’.
- Step 5: Fill all the required details.
- Step 6: Click the checkbox that says “I authorize Axis Bank ……”
- Step 7: Click on the ‘Submit‘ button.